Oral Presentation The International Conference on Urban Drainage 2021

Integrated management of highway runoff on fragile hydrogeological contests: review of a 2-years' experience. (#196)

Stefano S Biondi 1 , Martina M Favarin 2 , Federico F Favarin 1 , Shaain S Nazarpour 3 , Federica F Capuzzo 4 , francesca F sambo 1 2
  1. Swi Group S.r.l., Mestre, VENICE, Italy
  2. Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Mestre/Venice, Italy, Italia
  3. Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa, Genoa, Italy
  4. CAV spa, Venice, Italy

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